Hope you like our new direction

If you’re reading this online, it means my blog has been switched from Wordpress to a static file site based on Pelican successfully. If it was put through your letterbox by a shadowy figure in the dead of night, then welcome to the Inner Circle, and await further instructions.

It’s all been fairly straightforward anyway: Pelican converts a Wordpress XML export file to static files. I used the -m switch in pelican-import to export as Markdown by preference although pelican itself defaults to ReStructured Text.

The theme is Flex, which seems to be about the best documented theme that I’ve found, and I might or might not twiddle with it some more.

I’m working on a POSSE script, although it seems that there are plugins that do what I had in mind all ready, so I might give them a try.

There will no doubt be more meta stuff as I go on (although not Meta).