Listening Diary 20241119
- Tall Trees (and other tales) - Kemper Norton «>> (pre-release) Hallucinogenic dreams of dancefloors where the music means less than the experience and both are elusive memories.
- Musicke for Psychedelic Duelling vol. 3: The Loplop Pit - Rapid Eye Electronics Ltd (R.E.E.L.) @REEL «>> (pre release) Where Kemper Norton’s memory is driven by those pills, this is one is driven by bits of blotting paper with —something— on it. Dense.
- Doggerland - feinstruktur @feinstructur «>> Environmental ambience mixing synthetics and field recordings to create an alien yet familiar landscape
- Music for Airports - Bang on a Can «>> Semi-classical cover of Eno’s LP that recreates an original that was made from tape loops remarkably well.