Pefkin - The Rescoring - HT to @REEL: three immersive pieces based on layers of viola, synth amd voice. Sonically reminiscent of early Dead Can Dance between their post-punk and mediaeval phases, and autumnal lost wandering.
Scholars of the Peak - Polymorphic - Hauntological music from the High Peak area of Derbyshire, so it got my attention right away. Soundtracks for afternoon schools programmes on psychogeography with a nod to Plone and the Radiophonic Workshop.
RadioPhobicSherkPop - low beats and fat fingers - A RadioPhobicSherkPop mixtape - @RadioPhobicSherkPop: a meaty, beaty, big and bouncy 20 minutes from the attic of Birmingham’s premier purveyor of wonky bedroom electrofunk and uneasy listening. A look inside the creative mind you probably didn’t want but glad you did anyway.
The Home Current and Peter Wix - Unfortunes - Continuing my exploration of Subexotic’s discography. In which techno purveyor The Home Current makes a lyrical dance record with the lyrics presented as spoken word monologues in variety of voices, which create an elusive and ephemeral narrative that seems to walk similar maps to Iain Sinclair.
Cub\cub - Trig Point - More from Subexotic: woozy BoC-sh electronics from Leeds based Cub/cub, stretched tape loops that for morning after country walks.