The Heartwood Institute - Forgotten Futures - Cumbria’s Heartwood Institute turn their attention to affairs 250 miles south, to events in the Capital, where something is afoot. Music for washed out prints of lost 70s SF series.
Navigator - Flame Is Slow (Singles etc. 1996-1997) - Navigator were a band I missed when they were around, even to point of not getting to the Garage early enough when they supported Mogwai there, so this was exciting to see. This collection of their singles starts as low key post rock inspired by Slint or Codeine, and drifts towards and past Bark Psychosis ambience and experimentation. I’ve certainly missed something. Hopefully Wrong Speed will put out their LP ‘Nostalgie’ as well.
Navigator - Nostalgie - Of course, it’s on YouTube, and it take where they were going with the singles even further, almost to pure silence and noise at times, like an industrial winter landscape.
Lehto - Northbound - Lehto’s tracks have been standouts for me when listening to Radio Free Fedi, and yesterday was the first anniversary of the release of this LP. It’s that downbeat dance like Royskopp or Simian, with with folk, jazz and African influences as well as environmental sounds. It certainly deserves a wider hearing.