Listening Diary 20241213

  • Tomoroh Hidari - 12 Months of Mornings - Final release from Hidari, whose death was announced yesterday. A two year long project in which he took pictures of the morning sky, posted them to social media, selected the ones that got most engagement and used the images as the basis for tracks using assorted methods. The result is noisy but not without structure and some interesting parts.
  • Tomoroh Hidari - Live in Tokyo - A live set from September that explores more melodic and rhythmic areas than the LP above, rises and breaks down like a techno set.
  • Ian Boddy - Options - Reissue of his third cassette LP from 1981. Very much of its time, but as its time was that of Jarre, Schulz and Tangerine Dream at their best, it stands up remarkably well against them. The live set on the b-side is equally accomplished, with excellent sounds produced from minimal kit.