Dace Merryweather - Magnapinna/Phantom Jelly - https://dace.bandcamp.com/album/magnapinna Epic (11 minute!) prog paen to a squid, it says here. It goes many places and does many things. The b-side sounds like a soundtrack for jellyfish swimming in a tank.
D-Fried - “Images Sur la Mer” - https://www.phonocake.org/islm: Via @clongclongmoo: Long form sea-themed ambient piece that drifts in remarkably descriptive movements. Restful and beautiful.
Salisman Communal Orchestration - Of The Desert EP - https://cruelnaturerecordings.bandcamp.com/album/of-the-desert-ep: most recent release and name from Chicago via Newcastle psych/shoegaze experimentalists. 60s harmonies and sun-bleaches tremelo guitar. A band who should have much more recognition than they do.
Salisman Communal Orchestration - A Queen Among Clods - https://salisman.bandcamp.com/album/a-queen-among-clod: 40 minutes of similar bleached out, blissed out psychedelics, like that time you took what you thought was a Nelson’s travel remedy tablet to get the coach to the coast, only it wasn’t.