Listening Diary 20250123
A bit of a unfocussed kind of a day, and some Mirlo trail following.
- Andres Garcia VS Floating Mind - gva ufo - Minimal techno single from the Monokrak netlabel ( Garcia’s ‘La Noria’ has a 125 bpm chunky bassline backed by ghostly accordians, which makes me think it’s about the Chilean ghost town of the name. Floating Mind’s ‘Trying to Do the Same, is a 106 bpm bit of moody ambience with a squelchy 303 and a haunted theme with some background paranormal activity.
- Rivulets - r i v u l e t s - 2002 debut LP from Denver, Colorado based Nathan Amundson, sparseslowcore acoustic guitar based songs recorded with Low at their studio, which will be the thing that everyone picks up on, and they do add some of their sound to it, but it on first impressions there are elements of Nick Drake, early Shearwater, maybe Sun Kil Moon. He’s still going, and has a subscription, which would be a nice variety to my usual electronic stuff.
- Jeff Mills - Exhibitionist 2 Mix 3 - 11 minute solo TR-909 techno workout that would have everyone dancing in a club. A dextrous use of the controls, but I was rather concerned about his knees giving out myself.
- 12ax7 - Ukumehame - Surf rock single from US twangy brothers. ‘Ukemehame’ is a slippy slidy thing like being three beers in in a tiki bar, and ‘Turbines to Speed’ takes on the Batman theme emboldened by those beers and ends up running around a harbour with a bomb, or something.
- The Robe - N as in Nina/In Panorama - Even in these digital times, a good sleeve can draw me in. A tribute to Starlog magazine with someone who looks like Dave Grohl in mediaeval dress, or Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen in his normal attire, in front of a planet being predated by a black hole. The tunes are 80s-referencing electropop of the kind that wouldn’t be out of place on Cherry Red or Blanco y Negro in 1986 and charming for that.
- Kydia - Holy Grail - 2023 single from the cohabitee of the fediverse’s favourite one eyed cat, modern baroque with a catchy chorus.
- Odd Radio Circles - Lunar Sea - Gauzy fragment of soundtrack for a poetry reading, twangy reverbed guitars and distant pads, very calming.